Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Module 2 (Week 02) - Technologies for the Project

I think I'd like to use a combination of different education technologies:

  1. electronic portfolio

  2. One of our college goals this year is to focus on students through their use of portfolios. Suggested actions are: a) investigate portfolio formats; and b) encourage students to develop e‑portfolios in pbworks or develop their own Web sites. I'd like to be able to help meet that goal.

  1. Microsoft OneNote

  2. I have attended a professional development session on this one, but I have yet to try it myself. I know that many English teachers are now currently using this one, so as an IT teacher, I feel that I should not be left behind in the use of newer technology.

  1. smart boards

  2. I'd like to explore more of the advanced software features of the interface, and I want my students to try smart board features while they give presentations in class.

1 comment:

  1. It will be interesting to see how the combination of the three will work out. It is important to have a sound pedagogical base as well to see how this combination will improve teaching and learning. Good luck Oscar.
